Pirate Name Generators
Talk like a PirateTell Bad Pirate Jokes
- 1. How much does it cost a pirate to pierce his ears?
A buck-an-ear!
2. What is a pirate's favorite dessert?
Chips A-Hoy!
3. What is a pirate's favorite class
The ARRRithmitic!
4. How did the pirate know he found land?
He was shore of it!
5. How do pirates know when they are about to be attacked?
They watch Sea-span!
6. What is the one thing a pirate is afraid of?
7. What do you call a pirate that skips class?
Captain Hooky!
8. What's a pirate's favorite salad dressing?
Oil and vinegARRRR.
9.Why did the pirate go on vacation?
He needed some AARRRGGH and AARRRGGH
Watch Dumb Pirate Movies
Ok - name generated = Cowerin' Jane Drake.
I will have to check out the rest later -
I am off to get me mateys off the playground - if some don't stop talking out they may have to walk the plank!
Pantin' Harley Straw!
Shiver Me Timbers!
Send any misbehaving scallywags to Davy Jones Locker!...
...or give them a time out to think about it....
I'm Dirty John Vane and proud of it.
arrr scurvy dog how many leagues to th grog-filled galley me mate, ol Rumpot, wants to come across
Dirty John Vane! I could have told you that!
Avast ye foul blaggart , th grog-filled galley tis broadside!
John Vane be th' scurge o' th' seven seas
1. Bloody Morty Kidd (per quiz)
2. Runnin Kathryn Cutler (per name generator)
Aye, better not be messin with this bloody mate! Argh
ahoy barnacle-covered matey! be that a briny good name!
Never mess with a cutlass weilding lass!
Well, th' generator gave me Rancid Helga Sparrow, but I think Jackie Sparrow be a hair more becoming.
Gen and I practiced being pirates in th' 4th & 6th grades (respectively) on our Age o' Sail field trip:
Whadya eat?
Raw meat, arrgh!
Avast there mateys! Swab th' decks & hoist the bowsan's chair!
Fineglin' Brant Grimm
The first one was Porhole William Blythe, but I didnt like how that one sounded, so I said my name was Booger McFragment and got Fineglin' Brant Grimm instead.
What's a pirats favorite vegetable?
Red Jenny Rackham
"You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!"
Hey -- how come no one sent me a card for "International Talk Like a Pirate Day" -- doesn't Hallmark know about this???
Rancid Helga Sparrow is a fine name!
Ye should be proud young lass! Why tis an insult and I would get the Hempen Halter for ye to dance the hempen jig, for even thinking of changing it!
Avast! Porhole William Blythe, ye and Rancid Helga Sparrow blow me down! Me dear ol mum, bless her black soul, would blackspot ye if she knew of your ways!
What do pirates do on weekends?
Have BARRRRRRrgh-B-Qs!
Dear Red Jenny Rackham
Happy Talk like a Pirate Day... You filthy scurvy ridden blaggart!
Pantin' Harley Straw!
Name Quiz = Dirty Ethel Cash
I think I like the first one better. This was fun though Kludge - thanks!
Scowlin' Bailey Hornigold
That'sounds about right....
Scowlin' Bailey Hornigold-
Arrgh!! That be a fine name for the booty watcher! A musket and one keen eye!
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