I only mention it because if for some reason something led you to believe that this was otherwise you might do something stupid.
You might, for instance tell everyone you know that Mr Ed was a zebra. You might even convince a couple of your friends that Mr Ed was a zebra. Just because you've convinced someone of this dosen't make it so.
You might also tell people that they are stupid for not believing that Mr. Ed is a zebra! I would not advise this, only because in the end your going to have to eat a lot of crow. Crow seems to last for a long time. I can only say that some crows take years to consume, and you might be finding feathers in your mouth for decades.
Because as I said...
Mr Ed is NOT a Zebra!
I had never heard he was a Zebra - boy am I out of the loop.
I't was a pretty big deal! I believe I told everyone this on Katrina's first birthday. At Kim and Leo's, it was pretty bad.
Ahhhh - so we weren't around for her first birthday - that must be why I was out of the loop. At least now I know why Mike said he almost bought a zebra pinatta at the store.
According to Snopes, Mr Ed was, in fact, a zebra. Check your facts my man.
No, check YOUR facts. Snopes pwned you.
Kludge, I fell victim to this, too. It's huge, what the Mikkelsons did. Huge on a good scale.
I chide my friends for emailing me stuff I can prove is wrong by by a simple link to Snopes, and here they go gettin creative on my ass. Whoo=Hoo!
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