“Hey Henry” one bellows, “You remember when we used to do that?”
“No John I don’t,” he sighs, “My flight recorder was removed years ago."
I’m not a plane buff by any means and honestly cannot tell you model number, cruising speed, or year commissioned. Maybe reading Brian’s posts has showed me how little I know about planes, because when I drive by, all I see is big one, fast one, old one.
To me some things are just magic. I mean I have head knowledge of how a plane takes off. I understand the passage of air over a curved wing and how that coupled with thrust can give a plane lift. It makes sense in my head. Seeing it on paper is different than watching a plane take off. I just have to think, that’s magic, there’s no other way to explain it. I’m always in awe of the fact that we can leave the ground and land in reasonable safety. Seeing these old planes also makes me realize we have been doing magic for quite a while now.
The old planes, some covered with tarps or wood to keep elements at bay, rest on the lawn never moving never changing. They get to sit and watch the new planes that land and take off at the airport over the chain link.
Planes that rattle your chest, or make you wish you were heading out somewhere on a trip. Sitting in a tight seat, barreling down the runway thinking about your voyage and waiting for the cart. Nothing says vacation like a daisy cup of ginger ale and five salty peanuts.
It's fun to fly. I never thought of a museum as a convalescent home. Interesting
J Crew-
I love flying, I wish I had more places to go.
I know this isn't the standard kludge spot fare... just something I've been chewing on for a while.
Hey kludge, thanks for post. I still love the sound of an airplane taking off. Any time i can get my hands dirty working on a plane is a good time for me.
Word Verification: kaxbpdd-the sound you don't want to hear on take-off
I love flying - take-offs are the best!!!!!!!!!!!
You should try landing in Quito sometime. Quite an adventure.
Word verification - hogonqd
A pig fat milkshake
I bet... I'd do it if they didn't make me get off the plane.
hogonqd - I could go for one of those right now!
Word Verification: hymrnbq - Songs before BBq's
would you say that landing in Quito would be quito of an adventure.
I'm thinking this post sounds like the premise for a new Pixar movie. :)
I agree with SJ -- take offs are the BEST! Except when you've stayed up all night and traveled all day--then your final landing is by far the very best!!
Josh, you are my friend and brother...but now I have to kill you.
I haven't done too much flying. I enjoy driving everywhere I go. But for some reason, I've always had a fear of flying. I don't have a problem with the planes themselves or with heights, it's just that I'm a control freak. When you leave the ground, your life is in somebody else's hands. I don't trust that easy.
I HATE to fly... but me and my good friend Xanax wlll do it if necessary! Much prefer my planes on the ground!
I understand the control thing. I just visualize myself in the cockpit with all the controls, and some emergency. I would be pretty willing to give up control at that point...
I'm sorry, but can understand... there is still something a bit unnatural about hanging there in midair.
I'd go see it! Mainly because I love the animation... but those Pixar folks are amazing
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