This "Bizarre Question Tuesday" comes from one loyal reader in California.
Jeremy Writebol For those of you that thought this 'fellow' was only concerned in reform or church history, might find this question surprising. We here at kludgespot can see true geeks a mile away.
Jeremy said...
... I just have to know what your ranking on the Star Trek movies is. There have been 10 of them - give me a list of worst to best! Please
I had no intention answering this until the 'Please'. For those of you not understanding the question let me enlighten you. This is a total geek out. Folks who don't enjoy phasers, Vulcan's or spaceships might have more fun drawing on their hands.
You've been warned so here we go. BTW Jeremy...I'll do mine Best to Worst.
1. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

I know that many fans would disagree with my # 1 choice claiming it to be too campy. I really don't care. Star Trek IS campy. It's a silly movie full of great lines and fine action. So it's not award worthy. Hello! You're watching Star Trek! What do you want? It's an engaging mystery with a good nod to all the crew and their various traits. This is Star Trek at it's best. A fast paced story line, solid special effects and a smattering of stars. I mean how many movies do you know that have Christopher Plummer, David Warner, Christian Slater, AND all your favorite Star Trek cast members? Just one. So it's not
War and Peace but you DO get to see Christopher Plummer as a one eyed Klingon quoting Shakespeare. Really, how often can you add that to your movie review?

Additionaly there's David Warner drinking Romulan ale and chatting about Klingon politics.For laughs, I some times find myself trying to picture him in Klingon makeup at Scrooges shop! There's also a great scene where Christan Slater gets yelled at by capitan Sulu. For the trekkies we get to see three Star Trek TV regulars get their first big screen roles. Additionally It's chocked full of a thousand and one technical mistakes, story mess ups and time line issues that will keep the fan base slack jawed for years trying to explain it away. In the end it's just good fun.
Jeremy here are the rest in order of MY preference.
2. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - Ricardo Montalbon at his best.
3. Star Trek First Contact- One bald capitan against the Borg and a former pig raiser shoots for the stars!
4. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - Out of time spacemen in San Fransisco and the Monterey Bay Aquarium in Sausalito. Great lines, but a lot of unneeded cursing.
5. Star Trek: Generations - Kirk vs. Picard...Blah blah blah
6. Star Trek Insurrection- One crazy android and Klingon both singing HMS Pinafore in a daring action sequence. What more could you want?
7. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - Laughing Vulcans?
8. Star Trek Nemisis - Romulus and Remus... Built Rome, AND managed to get out into space and claim a solar system!
9. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - Christopher Llyod does Klingon. Not bad if you're into that.
10. Star Trek The Motion Picture - I've seen this a total of four times...My copy is in GREAT shape!
So there it is. Any one wishing to submit a bizarre question to be answered please shoot me an email. (see sidebar)
Although not a trekkie, due to your captivating writing, that was slightly MORE fun than drawing on my hand. :)
Oh man... I've been exposed! Thanks Kludge... I just wanted a true affectionado's opinion. I haven't seen them all so I can't rank them just yet... but maybe one day.
The thing about star trek is this, try and not take it too seriously. In the end it's just for fun. Unless you're a fourty-five year-old man still living at home memorizing lines. At this point your friends need to get you some help...
...assuming you have any.
You're welcome to borrow mine, or better yet, watch a couple with me. I'm always looking for converts to this geeky fraternity.
I would have flipped your 1 and 2 choices but other than that I think you got it spot on. I have 1 - 4 and 6-10 on DVD and the 1-4 are Director cuts. How much a geek am I? Don't answer that...
I think most fans/non-fans agree II was the best of Star Trek. If you ever feel too bad about your geekiness, just know it could be worse...
...I have collected ALL the DVDS from Generations, DS9 and Voyager.
What about Enterprise???
We do not speak of it. It never happened. :)
I am all for him watching them with you - works for me! :)
Reason #376 I'm not a Star Trek guy: One crazy android and Klingon both singing HMS Pinafore in a daring action sequence.
I've only seen Kahn and the one in SF when Kirk says Spock did too much "LDS" in the 60's.
They weren't terrible. Plus that catepiller in the ear thing was cool.
SJ - Bring your pocket protectors and Vulcan ears...
Patrick Steward did a lot for the validity of ST. And is the reason so many classics were included. The fact that a Royal Shakespeare Company actor was the lead in a series probably did more to repair the Shatner years than anything else.
I think you would like First Contact. James Cromwell does a great job.
Kludge... alright, you got me! Let's get together, let our hair grow long and watch lots of Star Trek! I'm totally up for "geeking out".
not me - - - I will send Jeremy with the vulcan ears - I was meaning he could watch it with you - then I don't have too :)
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