It is once again Caption Thursday! I'll provide a picture and you provide the caption.
As always we need to adhere to good taste. Please keep it clean.

Here's the one to get it started:
The year Rudolph lead the famed reindeer strike!
Stuff I found this week:
Sling Shot Santa 250 is as much as I've managed.
Cell Start Start your car with your cell phone.
Pretty Challenging Christmas Quiz I cheated...
So that's how Santa pays for all those toys, He's a window washer the rest of the year.
I knew I should have put Mr. Gates on the naughty list
"Ignore the man in the bright red suit"
As Bill gapes in awe he wonders if someone has been spiking the coffee pot again...
Finally driven to madness by the incessant elf singing, Santa does the unthinkable. Jolly old elf indeed.
"Oh, it's soooo much easier than flying!" HA! Why do I listen to Tom Cruise?
Just hit 350 on Sling-Shot Santa... Anyone hit the reindeer yet?
I haven't tried that game yet, I have yet to get all the way through the christmas quiz, I think it changes it mind on answers!!!
Okay don't like that christmas quiz!!! If I leave a comment on Karen's blog, it links to my blog. Why doesn't it work for yours and JCrew's?
We're using a different version of blogger (Beta). it apparently is different as fas as comments are concerned...
Try the "other" option. You have to type in your blog address in the "Your web page" but it should work.
Other is what I have been using, oh well, such is life.
Did you really cheat on the game, or did you just fool us?
I totally cheated.
As soon as the "Opps" appears a quick backspace will allow a second chance.
After disposing of the Easter Bunny the IEFCA (Independent Extreme Fundamental Churches of America) took aim at their next target. Of course it had to look like an accident.
Yes Bob we got the picture and we'll put it on the web! Please will you come inside now?
Yet another discouraging side-effect of the anti-chimney lobbyist in Washington
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