This was a comment from my wife yesterday in regards to my reasons for not wanting to use the door in the garage. The deal was the car garage door was open and I didn’t want to open the human access door. I envisioned opening the door with a two-year-old child in my arms, locking it and then closing it behind me. I hit the car garage door button and took my daughters life in my hands running under the closing door. I saved at least fifteen seconds and a number of wasted motions. As far as I’m concerned my wife paid me a complement.
There is a story I’m reminded of by the Brothers Grimm. Basically the three sons had to say how lazy they were and the winner got to be king. Now while I have no belief that my lazy tendencies will lead me to govern a nation, I do think they tend to be a service to me. A wise person once stated that necessity is the mother of invention. I believe this statement to be true, but I don’t think it is only necessity that spurs invention. You could say that laziness produced some pretty good stuff too. I would put it more eloquently but we lazy folks don't really care quite as much as others.
I can recall plenty of times in my life where I have put off work to further my pursuit of something more idle. When I was younger one of my duties was to water the garden. My father showed me how, you stand here and sweep the water back and forth for fifteen minutes, then you move here and start all over again. This process was repeated over a quarter acre garden. All in all the process took about forty-five minutes.
If it hadn’t have been for laziness I would have been lost. I put off watering the garden for an hour while I constructed an irrigation plan for the melon patch. It was an elaborate series of ditches starting from a single spot on the top of the mound. I ended up only saving about fifteen minutes but I learned a valuable lesson. If you want a few minutes of time to yourself your going to have to work for it. Make no mistake; working hard on something you do like to put off something you don’t like is being lazy.
I have found that I will spend a countless amount of time trying to find a better way to do a thing if it keeps me from actually doing the thing. Yard work tends to be near the top of that list every time. There is something about racking mowing or weeding that brings out the “Are you sure we should be sweating during this?” attitude in me.
The lazy person will always be looking for a better way, even if they have to take a lot of rest and naps along the way. I suppose we didn’t need the escalator, microwave or electric mixer but I’m glad they’re here. And I imagine we have a lot of lazy people to thank for them.
In the words of despair.com
Laziness:Success is a journey, not a destination. So stop running.
I figure you are just trying to save time in other ways, in order not to miss out on any wonderful experiences.
Could you read Karen's blog, she was hit by an advertisement in her comments and I think she can fix that with an extra security measure but thought you might have some more definitive info for her.
Or I could just be a lazy...naw...I'm sure your right...
I left her a comment. Nothing more frustrating than comment SPAM.
Thanks, wouldn't want her to give up now. Although I know I am too lazy to ever have a blog...would never update it, love reading everybody elses though. Are there pictures coming soon?
Pictures have arrived on DOTHOB. It seems my laziness cannot continue with the girls site. :)
Work smarter, not harder.
or just work less under the guise of intellect.
Yes, this lazy person agrees too - what would I do without my microwave, remote controls, garage door opener, bread maker, Kitchen Aide, drive thru Starbucks - the list could go on and on - - - I am lazy too :)
Ths pst rmnds m f a prvrb I red nce.
Lazin. . .I thnk yu gt the mssge
I agree those lazy people not only made a lot of cash, but also knew how to enjoy it unlike their enterprising counterparts
You crack me up!
If you all haven't stopped by Puddleglums, do yourself and favor and click...
There is no doubt in my mind that I am dating the lazist man on the planet. He called me in to show me how a light cover had fallen one night. He had baracaded himself in the bedroom after that. My hero.
It takes great thinking and work - not to work.
Boston Love-
That is impressive. He might be king one day.
I personally only lock myself in my bedroom when a ladybug is loose in the house.
I've been told I'm lazy but I hate it. I think I like to work hard but maybe not. Perhaps I am lazy and since it appears to be the 'in' thing I might as well join your ranks...
I like hard work, just doing what I want...I suppose that's not as much lazy as it is irresponsible.. but Irresponsible? didn't sound like a good post title! :)
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