It is once again Caption Thursday! I'll provide a picture and you provide the caption.
As always we need to adhere to good taste. Please keep it clean.

Here's the one to get it started:
Bob's last day on the job!
Stuff I've found this week:
Mentos & Coke
Way cool license plate cover Finally! You can tell them how you feel.
Suffer from a fear of heights? Don't add this to your vacation list
Fun geography test. Yes, I did rather well. I can claim only a slight mistake on Vermont and New Hampshire...
A blogging must have... Comment tracking. co.mments I found this and it is very cool!
Hey! It's not Thursday yet!
The latest in unmanned attack drone technology heads back to the drawing board.
I passed the third grade, admittedly after a few missed attempts at some of my northeastern states!
I swear that truck was here a minute ago
Don't buy anything that was loaded on the truck Monday morning or Friday afternoon.
I hate when the warehouse shipping guys forget to stamp fragile on an item.
I didn't pass third grade. I'm so ashamed.
Our cute little 16 yr old grandson Jimmy had "bombs" on his Christmas list, so of course thats what we decided to send him this year.
Do you know what would happen if you eat mentos and diet Coke together? And does it have to be diet or can you use regular?
I have no idea, but I would rather not be the first person to try it. It could get rather messy...
Diet Coke is the king of foam, I've seen other combinations in videos, but none are quite as potent!
J Crew-
Don't feel too bad, I can't imagine many third grader could really do this either...
...did that help or make it worse?
It's their own fault for being so small and hard to identify....
...At least you got Indiana right.
Okay... everyone can come out. We got lucky this time people.
Can someone reset the 'days without any safety issues' sign?
100% on the quiz. I'm at least as smart as a 3rd grader.
I figured you would do well on this! Is it just me or is Wyoming just a Colorado wannabe?
That does not make me feel better, but thanks anyway
I told you that the missle would exceed the weight capacity for this forkliftt, but you wouldn't listen!!!
The reason 'DaveCorp" lost it's government contract.
After today's incident, the FBI has issued a warning to be on the alert for islamic radicals attending fork lift training schools
Okay, I have to ride the little bus. I think Ando is a show off.
About the mentos & diet coke -- Scott saw on myth busters that rock salt works even better than mentos!!
Ando is a showoff, but additionally he is quite good at geography. (Ando for history and geography and J crew for sports, and you got a solid trivial pursuit team)
We all have more fun on the short bus.
I have been dying to try the diet thing for months, this video coupled with the rock salt insight might just kick me into gear.
Kludge --
Redid the test and I can now pass the 3rd grade with flying colors! :)
At scholarship camp this summer they demonstrated the mentos & assorted diet drinks -- the kids loved it!
Well, I teach 3rd grade and can't seem to pass it - - - that is sad :(:( I have had one left two times in a row - - - - - - short bus here I come - I am with Kludge - the short bus is more fun!
that was Steph not Jeremy - opps
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