Everyones Captions last week were great! So this week it is once again Caption Thursday! I'll provide a picture and you provide the caption.
As always we need to adhere to good taste. Please keep it clean.

Here's the one to get it started:
Thomas! How many times have I told you not to play with your food?
I've had a few dryers I wanted to do this with...
He's very lucky for all the sand...
Rack this one up for the bizarre...
"Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down..."
"I love it when a plan comes together!"
The catapult is amazing!!
"Everything that goes up, goes down"
I told you this teeter totter wouldn't work with you and me
Honestly you don't need a net, this is how we learn!
That was better, but I'm going to have to go higher if you want into that cookie cabinet.
Nothing like a fun game before dinner!!
I love when gullable mice believe me that they have 9 lives too!
These were all GREAT! Thanks everyone for playing!
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