Happy Tuesday

Happy Tuesday. How do you do?
Happy Tuesday. I’m fine, and you?
I’m thinking ‘bout the weekend
Yes, I agree. Me too.

No one ever cared for Tuesday
A point I simply say
Tuesday’s insignificant
Not black or white. Just gray.

Monday it kicks off the week
And is nothing short of bleak
Friday its antithesis
Gateway to the end you seek

But Tuesdays are just there
Like an ever steady “fair”
Free of spirit, praise or hate
So what. Another stark affair

Happy Tuesday. How do you do?
Tuesday? Are you sure? Say’s who?
It’s Wednesday, see? Happy Wednesday!
See if that helps to change your view.

-Peter Brown 2007


  1. At least the week is half over :) But I have to confess, the whole time I was reading this thinking - yikes - it is only Tuesday - I thought it was Wednesday - MUCH relief came when I got to the last stanza :)

  2. SJ-

    I had this conversation this morning, and was like "Happy Tuesday? Really?" It took a while before I realized they were off.

    As you say, MUCH relief!

  3. Yes, because I am ready for the week to be over - that was my scare for the day :)

  4. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Tuesdays always seem to pass by really quickly.. I have no problem with tuesdays. Wednesdays and Thursdays I hate. I used to be able to justify Thursdays with the fact that they had good television shows in the evening, but seeing as I haven't had cable for about 5 years now, I can't really claim that as a saving grace anymore.

    Fridays are over rated... they're just another work day. In fact, Fridays only become good after 5:00pm.

    All hail Saturdays.

  5. Anonymous12:16 PM

    P.S. When did the phrase "hump day" come into fassion for describing a Wednesday? I had never heard it before, and then about 6 months ago it started and has been haunting me ever since.

  6. Brendan;

    You're right, Fridays don't get good till the work stops! In my office though no one "works" till 5:00 on Friday, even if we do all stay!


  7. Tuesday is kind of a tweener day isn't it.

  8. Is that what day it is??? I lose track because all the days blend into one another!

    BTW-I left a comment on your toy post-great post!

  9. If they would change it to 'Two's Day,' then perhaps things would be different. Tuesdays for me is actually considered Wednesday, since I work night shift. Tonight, of course, is Friday and officially begins at 8PM.


    I have been since 2004.
