Lazy Thursday Blues: Caption 18

It seems the Caption game is all you want to play. Who am I to argue. I have another fun picture from the archive. Here is a great picture from some older news. Enjoy.

As always we need to adhere to good taste. Please keep it clean.

Here's one to get you started!:
Maybe that's not the best way to put that.

Stuff I found this week:

Light Saber Umbrella - Did it ever rain in Star Wars?

Backyard Snow? You bet!

George Lucas in Love - Thanks to Sons of the Reformation for yet another addiction!


  1. "Did I just say that outloud?"

  2. Yes Regis, that is my final answer!

  3. Wow! THat is a lot of chest hair Senator.

  4. Look! There's Morgan Fairchild!

  5. I hope this isn't live

  6. Sorry! Sorry, should not have had the chili for dinner last night...

  7. Anonymous7:15 PM

    That light saber umbrella is way cool :)

  8. I personally like the backyard snow - that is what I miss - some snow in the winter - if I just order one I can have it - - - -

  9. LadyTerri-

    Thanks for stopping by.

    I agree! 41 bucks is a small price to pay for staying dry and screaming 'geek' at the same time!

  10. SJ -

    I agree a very cool invention! I wonder how long the snow would last in California weather... fast can you build a snow man?

  11. Let me make sure I heard you right...

    "A cell mate named Bubba?"
