Caffeine Shower Head

The Caffeine Shower Head© is here! Tired of waiting for your cup of coffee to wake you up each day? Sick of stumbling around the house as your java cools? Bored with the novelty of the Caffeine Pants? Always on the lookout for the new and exciting? Well, your wait is over!

A new product from Really-Alert is here! The Caffeine Shower Head©!

The Caffeine Shower Head© works through a patented process crafted by highly educated engineers at Really-Alert! They call it a collaborative effort of over five years of research and development. You can simply think of it as magic! The real answer would probably scare you anyway. Know that The Caffeine Shower Head© has been tested on plenty of helpless animals and very poor student research volunteers! The caffeine is absorbed directed into your body as you get clean.

The Caffeine Shower Head© delivers over 20 milligrams of caffeine every minute. The average cup of coffee is about 150 milligrams, you don't need to take a long shower to get a good dose of 'Good Morning!' See the below chart for a useful guide of suggested caffeine absorption!

Order Now! The Caffeine Shower Head© might just be the greatest invention in history, or the platform for the largest class-action lawsuit this country has ever seen! Only time will tell!

Order yours today!


  1. I think it's about time to quit the caffeine and get some serious counceling.

  2. Sarah-

    Only if they have a caffeine couch!

  3. Has this marvel been tested in conjunction with caffenated soap?

  4. Ando-

    I think I'll have to adjust my chart...

    ... about six minutes of exposure, before possibility of death.

  5. Dew they have Mt Dew shower heads

  6. J Crew-

    That sounds kind of sticky. Think of all the bugs you'd attract, and how your clothes will adhere...

    ...I think you'd be better off with the raw caffeine! But if you want...

  7. I was going to say maybe you should just get more sleep, but then how would pump out all these posts? Guess you gotta keep the caffeine flowin'! :)

  8. Jenylu-

    Powered by clean burning caffiene

    I would be useless without it.

  9. I like long hot showers in the evening to RELAX. So..I'm going to pass on this one. Chocolate covered coffee beans are still the best invention for a quick shot of caffeine!

  10. Can you write some more details please!

  11. If you are planning to have your bathroom refurbished, and that includes replacing your shower head, you should consider the well-known Kohler shower heads. Kohler, being one of the top companies manufacturing bathroom and kitchen appliances, has made its name via high quality products. For instance, the Kohler rain shower heads are very popular because they are able to provide you with the wonderful experience during and after your shower. best handheld shower head

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