Pen Giveaway Winner

So... I really should have taken a picture of this pen but I never did. I intended to but my state of the art fancy pants light box seen here:

wasn't setup and I was a little tired last night from being in the garage all day making stuff and junk and stuff.

Anyway, so the name drawn from a small pile of 6 is Drew, er Mr. M .... Make that Drake Davenport! I have no idea which Internet pseudonym is currently in vogue with Mr. Drew Drake but I know he will be excited! Like this...

Drake. Your pen looks like this...

Only less blurry and without the mini-blinds or my thumb and forefinger. Seriously, it's nice. I promise. It's walnut and very similar to the one in this post

Shoot me an email with your real name and address and I'll get this out for you this week! Congrats and thanks to all for playing!


  1. First thought - I was just discussing with my cousin, that between the 2 of us, we had a 66% chance of taking this thing.


    Second thought - I may not have won, but I had the best joke.

  2. That's true!

    She is now the only person on that thread NOT to have won.

    I think Stephanie finally gave up on winning...

  3. I can never seem settle on a good pseudonym. You forgot ViperMan2000 from the Star Trek forums. I don't remember ever going by Drew, though. I mean, it's my name, but... Haha.

    Anyway, awesome! I'll just see if I can find your email address here...

  4. Got it this weekend! Very nice pen. Thanks!

  5. Excellent! I'm glad it arrived safely!
