Giving Thanks Giveaway

It's time for another Pen Giveaway! Click here for past giveaway results.

I will be giving away another of my cross style pens. As past winners can attest, they are quite nice (shameless self promotion) and make excellent gifts. So enter to win and mark a gift off your Christmas shopping list.

Now for the game...

Tell us what you're thankful for this Holiday season. If that's too much effort or too mushy for you, then give us your best clean "knock knock" joke.

Like Kludge Spot on Facebook and you get a second entry in the drawing. (With a qualifying comment below)

The Game Rules:

  • 1. No vulgarity. I reserve the right to delete any comment. This will remove you from the contest.

  • 2. Wining. I will randomly draw the wining name from a hat on Sunday November 27th of all caption entries. The winner will be contacted Sunday evening via email, and announced Monday November 28th.

  • 3. United States for free shipping. If you live elsewhere and don't mind pitching in the extra cost for international shipping (about $8 I think) I'll totally ship it to you

  • 4. Contact. I need a way to let you know you've won the prize. And I'll need your shipping address to send it to you. So sign up with blogger, or OpenID, or something that I can contact you with. Otherwise I'll move on to another contestant.

  • 5. Have Fun!

    1. Knock knock!

      Who's there?


      Tank who?

      You're welcome!

    2. I am thankful for my family and for food.

    3. Knock Knock!

      Who's there?

      Michael Jackson.

      Michael Jackson who?

      How soon they forget.
