Pizza Pen Giveaway

It's time for another Pen Giveaway! Click here for past giveaway results.

Here is the item in question. A Maple/Yellowheart pen. This is a cross style pen finished with a mirror shine.

Now for the game...

This is the cover from a Chicago Deep Dish Pizza that I recently consumed with friends. What percentage of this pizza is sausage? Or tell me why you would rather I'd send you a Lou Malnatis deep dish pizza than a lousy pen...

Like Kludge Spot on Facebook and you get a second entry in the drawing. (With a qualifying comment below)

The Game Rules:

  • 1. No vulgarity. I reserve the right to delete any comment. This will remove you from the contest.

  • 2. Wining. I will randomly draw the wining name from a hat on Sunday October 30th of all caption entries. The winner will be contacted Sunday evening via email, and announced Monday October 31st on Halloween.

  • 3. United States for free shipping. If you live elsewhere and don't mind pitching in the extra cost for international shipping {about $8 I think} I'll totally ship it to you)

  • 4. Contact. I need a way to let you know you've won the prize. And I'll need your shipping address to send it to you. So sign up with blogger, or OpenID, or something that I can contact you with. Otherwise I'll move on to another contestant.

  • 5. Have Fun!

    1. does the pen double as a pizza cutter?

    2. I'm gonna guess 62.3%

    3. I am going to say 19 or 20% and I am still trying to win the pin - I know how to get the pizza :)

    4. Anonymous6:39 AM

      19% 19% 19%, do I win???? I have no account so I will identify myself in this comment, it's your FAVORITE Aunt in, not that one, me...Missy!

    5. I think I want the pen, therefore I do want the pen, but pizza sounds pretty good right now, too.

    6. the name has been drawn...

      Look for the announcement tomorrow!
