Fun Facbook Games

There is a Giveaway going on right now. Enter before Oct 30th for your chance to win a handmade wooden pen!

Now that the announcement is out of the way...

I was bored. As a result I went on Facebook and as a result I came up with a great new idea.

Fun Facebook Games


Post "Happy Birthday" on someones wall when it isn't their birthday. See how many of their friends follow suit...


Make up a new awareness day and post it to your status...

"The Monarch Butterfly used to number in the hundred billion, now less than 10 thousand a year are charted throughout the Americas. Today is Monarch Butterfly Awareness day. Show your support with a Monarch Butterfly Profile Picture"


Give yourself an benign illness and soak up attention

"Doc says I've got a herniated uvula, and as such can't eat monkfish, chilli powder or pizza dough. Plus it seems that this is also a cause for my explosive diarrhea. Apparently the uvula does more than I ever imagined. Anyway looks like I'm stuck in my house for the next 2 weeks here enjoying Atkins pizzas..."

Why not? It's just Facebook. Have a little fun...


  1. Love those ideas. I think I'm even going to do the second one here now.

    I thought you left Facebook, though.

  2. I did. Then like a shivering child coming back to a warm house I crawled back in and started up again...

    I'm hopelessly lost now.

  3. I loathe, LOATHE, Facebook causes. Or at least the ones that say something like, "If you don't repost this then you love cancer." Even if it's something I deeply believe in those things are so loaded with passive-aggressive guilt trippings it makes me want to join the other side of whatever it is. I need to stop. My dander is getting up.
