The Software Installation Game

Why is it that installing software on a server is always the same game? For me it doesn't matter if it's Windows or Linux either. It never goes quite like it should. I suppose that's half the fun...

  • Download said software or insert media

  • Windows: Double-click annoying splash screen with install button that just took 2 minutes to load

  • Linux: tar -xfvz to a temp directory and watch the pretty scrolling files

  • Windows: Still waiting for install button to do something

  • Linux: ./configure.

  • Windows: Click install button again.

  • Linux: configure: error: no acceptable gcc found in $PATH....

  • Windows: Close out three instances of installer that you've launched.

  • Linux: sudo yum install "every conceivable dependency for new software"

  • Windows: Next.

  • Linux: ./configure. Doze off to scrolling code...

  • Windows: Next.

  • Linux: ./make Get coffee. Go to the restroom. get lunch.

  • Windows: Next.

  • Linux: ./make install Get more coffee. Go to the restroom again. pick gunk under fingernails.

  • Windows: Accept, Next.

  • Linux: Finally read INSTALL. "Software will not run with syslog-ng"

  • Windows: Finish. Launch application.

  • Linux: rm -Rf /usr/local/newsoftware

  • Windows: Fatal exception error. BSOD

  • Yet another productive day!

    1. [insert "Macs are superior" drivel here]

    2. DUOH! Curse you!

      Don't ♣ Seals
      ♣ Macs!


    3. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Well yeah mac works.. What is there? 3 or 4 mac programs?


    4. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Mac is based on unix people... Installing would be similar to any Package Manager on any Linux distro and compiling is universally similar needing to setup Build Environment and still Need source/libraries/build utils. Whining doesn't make something right it just makes you look incompetent
