20 Things I Learned From The Sales Meeting

  • I doesn't have to work, as long as it's pretty

  • Welcome to the meeting. Let the lies begin.

  • PowerPoint is proof of functionality

  • #15 in sales handbook: "If you're not positive, 'Yes it does that!'"

  • No sales meeting is complete without a Paradigm Shift.

  • Sales Engineers. The ugly truthful side of the sales teams. "My SE is sick...don't mind him."

  • Free pens and coffee cups. The real reason we go to sales meetings.

  • When pitching to a network engineer, "This product keeps the bad things out" might need to be expanded on.

  • Why do I continue to ask questions when I know there are no straight answers?

  • #45 in sales handbook: "When cornered use the phrase 'Heuristic learning software aptitude'" and continue.

  • "Are there pie chart generated reports?" The question your manager asks.

  • When in doubt, don't clarify, confuse. See #5

  • The inevitable question from the clients "When is SP1 coming out?"

  • In sales pitches there is no mention of CPU or memory or bandwidth usage.

  • Me: "How much bandwidth?" Sales Guy: "I think it needs at least a 128k circuit!"

  • The upgrade to 11.03 solves the problems created in 11.02. 11.04 creates troubles we will not be able to resolve until you upgrade to 12.0.

  • Why is it you haven't upgraded from 11.01 again?

  • Sports analogies don't fly in a room full of geeks. "What's a forward lateral?"

  • The best part of the sales meeting is the adjournment!
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