Pushing Medications

It seems that I have become a medication pusher. I am helping to promote the use of chemicals though the traffic that I generate on my blog. Now don't look down on me, because of many of you are too! The Journey of JCrew has become the Den of Iniquity!

It seems that JCrew has gone and deleted his blog. In doing so he left a gap wide open. A gap that about 10 other blogs link to. What dirty spammer couldn't resist such a lure? So they took the name, and started their blog. Which means for with no promoting at all this new blog was 10 instant links.

As a result I'm now peddling Cialis and Nexium to complete strangers. In addition I found myself reading this bizarre page. "Accidental falls are common in people who have slow CYPD activity, there is therefore a slightly bitter taste." It defies logic!

The only other alternative is the clergy isn't paying well enough and our very own expositor is now nothing better than a dirty pill pusher. I find this hard to believe, but you know what they say, it's always the nice quiet ones that do the unexpected...


  1. I'm with you. I tried looking at JCrew's page and I was slightly confused. Drugs? Of course I am not against all drugs, I'm all for cold medicine. Yes, even for little kids/tots. I think I might even blog about the FDA's findings.

  2. Becca Sports-

    No Doubt! Give it a few more years and the FDA will try and ban Bacon.

    I wonder why a how much medication these people were giving their kids? I doubt it was the recommended dosage.

  3. Thanks for inspiring my latest blog post!

  4. Being there myself I'm of the opinion the clergy thing isn't letting JCrew live his million dollar lifestyle as easily as he once did. He resorted to medication... you have no idea what I'm resorting to!

    word verification: iusvem - what I say after I bought meds from JCrew ("I use vem")

  5. Egad! It's true. My appologies to JCrew, but I just deleted his link.

  6. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Fortunately, I deleted my link to his blog months ago. An upsetting turn of events none the less.
