20 Things I Learned On Vacation

  • Work isn't anywhere near as much fun as vacation.

  • Spending three hours in bumper to bumper traffic to get to some place to 'relax' has a strange taste of irony.

  • This flavor is stronger if it also happens to be monsoon season.

  • Gilroy Ca. Is the garlic capital of California. Even without freeway signs, you know when you're nearby.

  • Eating candy is not recommend when passing through said city.

  • If your are stupid enough to vacation in the rain, you will find that the ice-cream shops have very short lines.

  • If you forgot to pack a sweatshirt, the tourist town of Monterey has many priced just under $52.96 for your convenience.

  • Nothing really good is cheap, save love, and more than likely that will be expensive too.

  • It is fun to watch others work while you are on vacation.

  • If two people pay $50 to look at fish in boxes of water, you can bet they are on vacation.

  • Someone should tell the fish how much they cost. Their showmanship was at times sadly lacking.

  • Getting lost on vacation is like overpaying for souvenirs. Its both expected and unavoidable.

  • People rarely loose weight on vacation.

  • When on vacation, try eating someplace new.

  • That way you have something to argue about when you're lost.

  • What you shouldn't do on vacation is work.

  • If you wanted to work, then why did you drive three hours in pouring rain to get here and relax!

  • On vacation you do things you wouldn't do normally.

  • Spending $60 to sleep on a plywood board shaped like a mattress is one of them.

  • Nothing says the end of vacation like and entire day of laundry.

    1. Another one:

      You need another week of vacation to relax after your vacation! :)

    2. "If you forgot to pack a sweatshirt, the tourist town of Monterey has many priced just under $52.96 for your convenience."

      Sounds an awful lot like our experience at Disneyland last January. Glad you enjoyed your vacation in spite of it!

    3. Sounds like you had quite the time watching 'fish in boxes.'

    4. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Our first date was in Monterey, also the first time I ever had lobster. I miss Monterey, rain or shine!! I worked in Gilroy directly across from where the trucks unloaded the garlic. Our eyes burned like you wouldn't believe. I am not so wild about garlic anymore.
