Why Karaoke?

Suggestion by SJ

Do not trust this man. He is a karaoke fool, who in a moment of weakness allowed himself to sing in public. In addition to this obvious breach of social protocol, he also allowed himself to be photographed, and possibly even filmed.

By posting this picture I'm breaking a huge self-imposed rule that basically states, 'Post no pictures of myself on this blog.'

This rule exists for two reasons:
1. Save myself the embarrassment of seeing me on the Internet
2. Save my readers the embarrassment of seeing me on the Internet.

If Chuck Berry had been present to hear the way I sang his one time hit, Johnny Be Good, I believe a couple of things would have occurred to him. Namely, "When did I become a 'Good Time Oldie?'" Once that shock had a chance to filter through his system, the second thing he would be thinking was something like, "Is this what I sounded like?" or "Are you sure he's singing Johnny Be Good?"

Karaoke is an unusual party experience. It's a an opportunity for every shower singer to stand up in front of a crowd and realize that they don't sound anything like they thought they sounded. It's also a great time to realize that you really don't have any idea how that second verse goes. You know, the one that you sing as "la la dee dum." During your turn at the machine, "la la dee dum," will just not cut it. Karaoke is also a great time to think about things like, "Why are all these people laughing?", "Do I have to finish now that I've started?" and my personal favorite, "I honestly didn't know half of these lyrics!"

Of course there is something Nascar like with Karaoke. There are people who like to watch it for the crashes. This means that if you want to be good, do that well, but if you can't finish well, at least make the crash entertaining. Karaoke night is not a real success without a number of really good bombs, intentional or otherwise. So if your able to laugh at yourself or have others laugh at you, pick a song you don't know, and just try to keep up.

Karaoke. Breaking your dreams of stardom, and destroying friendships one picture at a time.


  1. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Well you look like you are really into that song! Karaoke is great fun, but I never do it. Love to watch everybody else. I got Joe a Karaoke machine for his birthday, it puts the lyrics on the tv, so you just follow along, but boy just when you think you sing well in the car, Hah....no....

    I think that should become a family tradition, don't you?

  2. Missy-

    I had really, flopped a song early in the night, and I was determined for redemption. It was fun, but the picture makes me wish I had just had more chips and dip..

    Yeah, you're right, it can be a real eye-opener! :)

    A family tradition? Best of luck with that!!!

  3. I think the challenging thing is determining whether the "crash" was intentional or not... suppose a certain singer thought he/she might sing a particular song well, only to find that they really bombed it, and everyone showered him/her with laughter thinking that they intentionally bombed the song to be funny, what then? Just a question that has been stuck in my head for a while.

  4. Jeremy-

    In this highly hypothetical situation, the person should acknowledge that this unknown person did a very brave thing just by getting up in front of a group at all.

    Which is more that half of the people at this imaginary event did! Additionally they brought much joy, excitement, and received a free drink to boot!

  5. Look what I hath wrought! We really need to do that again. And don't fear, Kludge Spot faithful, a film is forthcoming.

  6. Anonymous4:41 AM

    The face of the Kludge... Finally revealed!
    There´s a reason why Super Heroes don´t reveal their real identity, you know? You just broke the rule... I don´t think Spiderman or Professor X will be happy when they see this. Let´s just hope Darth Vader isn´t reading the blog, or you know where the Death Star will be headed next... yes, milky way!

    I´ll be waiting for the promise of a film by ando...

  7. Sweet indeed, my musical friend, sweet indeed....
