20 Signs You're A Crazy Cat Person

Suggestion by Emberli

  • You believe your cats are people.

  • You have a cat named "Princess Mitsy the 3rd."

  • You crochet them all sweaters every Christmas.

  • You can't remember how many cats you have, but you know it's more than 5.

  • Every cat has their own monogrammed food and water bowls.

  • You scold the cats if they use the wrong one.

  • Every cat has a color coded collar and matching bell.

  • You have 47 ceramic cat statues placed strategically in your front yard rock garden.

  • You buy milk wholesale, even though you're lactose intolerant.

  • You alway celebrate each cats Birthday with a tuna cake and milk shakes.

  • Your living room furniture consists of 15 cat trees and 3 sheepskin covered throw pillows.

  • You like to think of cleaning out the litter box as digging for buried treasure.

  • Each cat has their own wardrobe.

  • You no longer notice the way your house smells.

  • You alway intervene when Princess Mitsy the 3rd steals Baker Boys toy. "Be a good girl Mitsy, like Miss Delilah Dutchess!"

  • You always talk in a baby voice, to show them that you love them.

  • There are 23 toy mice under your couch at any given moment.

  • You find yourself saying "Mama's darling" more than once a day.

  • You have a king sized bed so you cats will be more comfortable.

  • No one ever stops by anymore... not even salespeople.

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Digging for treasure....classic yet icky!

      Given any idea and you blossom. These were all great. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

    2. Missy-


      Happy Thanksgiving to the Huysentruyt Clan!

    3. I am not a cat person - at all - - -

    4. "No one ever stops by anymore... not even salespeople."

      That last part doesn't sound so bad, maybe we should get a few more cats! :-)

      Sign #21: You have more posts on your blog about your cat than your children. (I'd better crank one out about the kids soon!)

    5. I think that was another creative post by Peter! :)

    6. SJ-

      Between cats and dogs, I'd pick a cat...

      ...just not 15 cats

    7. Jenylu-

      #21 is perfect!!!

      In looking for the 'crazy cat lady' picture I found a stockpile of evidence to support your point!

    8. Well done! It was so exciting to see my suggestion accomplished. I would pick a cat over a dog as well.
