Dave Barry

I’m a huge Dave Barry fan. Not so much because I think he’s the funniest person in the world (which he might very well be) but rather because I can identify with him. I find myself reading my Dave Barry Classic Calendar 2007 and thinking, “yeah, that makes sense!” I totally understand how a man comes to the point of removing a corn on his foot with his rifle and why Dave takes exception to this. You're so right Dave, this man is stupid! I concur with your stance to always use a pistol!

He's a very heavy handed with his use of hyperbole. In fact it's almost an addiction. Pool toys the size of the Hindenburg and so forth.

If you read/have read you will understand that mostly his humor is geared to make you do an intellectual (this word just barely applies to Dave Barry) double take. I suppose that’s why I find myself pumping out so much nonsense. Too bad I can’t find a way to make it enjoyable enough for the masses.

Oh well who wants a Florida mansion anyway!


  1. Who was the incredibly handsome, unbelievably intelligent, savagely witty guy who gave you that Dave Barry calendar?

  2. Ando-

    It was a gift from an aquaintance of mine called the 'Dire Dirt Digger & Unrelenting Overlord" . (3D-U-O) I don't know his real name...

  3. Poor devil. Why doesn't he just use a back-hoe?
