Another Addict

I have now heard this theroy more than once. Lips become addicted to Chapstick! I mean once you start using it you lips want more. They need it all the time, like some dry mouthed drug fiend dragging himself through the city streets hungry for a hit.

It all starts innocently enough, with a day of dry lips that just need a little moisturizing...the first one is free. Then two days then three. Next thing you know you've got a full blown addiction. You're walking around town with dry irritated lips if you go a day without it, cracked and dying for another shot of the waxy goo. You look ridiculous with large red swollen lips, but you have to break the habit, you have to break the cycle!

You cave, and smear on some more...

Ahhh. Better!


  1. I am so addicted to chapstick! if I forget to put some in my purse, I have to stop to buy it. I usually stock up and keep them everywhere, but just like baby pacifiers no matter how many you buy and keep extras everywhere, you still end up without them at some point.

  2. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I agree. I am a person who NEEDS chapstick. Leo buys me some every year for my stocking, but by summer they have all disappeared for some strange reason. Take today, for instance, I was on my way out the door to the fair and I could not find one tube of it does that always happen? I like Emberli's analogy to pacifiers. So true!

  3. Well said, chapstick is a necessity. How did we ever live without it. Each month I end up buying another one after I have lost one or it gets ruined in the car. More chapstick anyone?

  4. You definately become addicted to it in the windy city during the winter. You can't live without chapstick or lotion (not just any lotion, you have to use at least Aveno to keep your skin moist). I loved Emberli's analogy to the pacifiers. :)

  5. Well this one seemed to strike a cord with the ladies. I'm feeling most of the men are sratching thier heads right about now...

    I'm with you girls!

  6. I'm not much on the chapstick, but I do own several copies of Catcher in the Rye. Is that weird?
