Lazy Thursday Blues: Caption 22

It is once again Caption Thursday! I'll provide a picture and you provide the caption. Today's picture is well...see for yourself!

As always we need to adhere to good taste. Please keep it clean.

Here's one to get you started:

Can You Catch The Fashion Faux Pas?
RIGHT! - Never wear a neon green handbag with yellow shoes!

Stuff I've found this week:

Farming In Skyscrapers? What a cool idea!

Convert any Screen to Touch Screen Total geek, and very cool.

Top Figures It's a game. But the directions are lousy. Here's the deal. You need to remove a piece of the structure and not put the boy in the drink. The more piece you remove the more points, but you only need to remove one to move to the next level. It starts getting really fun in the higher levels.


  1. Baldilocks has lost a little weight I see.

  2. And the moral of this story is: Never fall asleep at a frat party.

  3. A rare Canadian site, the Stick Legged Ballerina Clown Bunny. Spotted in the wild it is very rare as it tends to be nocturnal and it has many predators.

    It can be seen indoors writing poetry during the day and is usually attracted to laser light parties and techno music at night

  4. Jim's parents were worried about him. And you can see why, his shoes were rubber and he might stub his toe!

  5. Johnny couldn't make up his mind for career day. Ballerina? Clown? Doctor? (clogs, you see). 80's performer? Can't decide, well put em all together!

  6. After it was revealed that "Drag-80's-clown-bald-man" really didn't have a super power, the Justice League summarily dismissed him from any and all future meetings.

  7. Remember which job you are heading for...and how to appropriately dress

  8. Bill was surprised when his job interview at the lawyers didn't go as well as he'd hoped

  9. Paul was a door to door life insurance salesman, a very bad door to door life insurance salesman.

  10. Now that's a quantum leap!
