Lazy Thursday Blues: Movie Day

Okay I have this bizarre idea. I'm going to post a movie quote. Whoever knows it can respond, with the movie it's from , the character that said it, and scene it was in. Additionally add a new movie quote in your comment. This continues till we all get stumped or bored.

Only two little rules
1.) No R or greater movies
2.) No cussing

Okay let's see how this goes.

"Probably just some local fisherman out for a pleasure cruise at night...through eel-infested waters."

For the less interactive among you here are a couple of oddities.


  1. I don't know the film, so I will have to pass on that, but where did you get that footage of my uncle Leon in North Carolina? I thought for sure we hid that tape. Our cat Baccky got too close to the fuses and got a bad burn that night. But we doused her in some Cheer Wine and it was a'ight.

  2. LOL!!

    Isn't that cool... I was both horrified and in complete reverence of his mad pyrotechnic skills!

  3. The sports thing is hilarious. I also don't know where that movie is from.

  4. ok, the movie is The Princess Bride and is said by Vincini right after Inego spots the boat behind them.

    My movie quote would be:
    " It's Just a flesh wound"

  5. LOL!!

    The Black Knight from MP and the Holy Grail after getting a limb severed by King Arthur.

    "152 people that think he looks like a clark bar"

  6. You got me on that one. Hello Google!!!

    Just kidding :)

  7. You got me on the movie quote but it was fun to think about. I am going to watch the videos in a bit - off to do some "teacher stuff"

  8. SJ-

    I'm surprised at you .. this movie is all girl!

  9. Clark Bar = You've Got Mail

    "Hey Richard, fat guy in a little coat. [singing] Fat guy in a little coat, fat guy in a little coat..."

  10. Tommy Boy. Nice one Ando... Alright, it's time to move it nice and sweet and sassy. I like to move it move it. I like to move it move it. Physically fit. Physically fit.

  11. the King of the Lemurs song in Madacascar...

    "Look what happened to the cook!"

  12. Anonymous1:59 PM


  13. Nice job Mrs. Peacock.

    or should I say...

    "Clever girl"

  14. Ooops, just realized I violated the no R rated rule...deleting last comment.

    Jurassic Park

    "It's like living with a six year old..."

  15. Ok - so that could be a video from central Missouri - I may have met those people before.

  16. We are the three AHHHH Mogos

    These guys are good, but they don't know jack about drillin'

  17. LOL

    Harry Stamper in Armageddon to the NASA dude with the leg braces.

    "He stole our blackroot!"

  18. Ah yes, Willow, I am a very powerful sorcerer!!

    I think I'm spelling this wrong, but here goes, Bowcare, what are you doing? Come give me a shave.

  19. Your right of course it's Beaucaire.

    I don't think anyone is get that one but me! Very obsure!

  20. There's nothing to see on interstate but interstate.
