Kome To Karls!

Kome to Karls Katfish! Kajun kuisine served up fresh. Kaught by Karl in the kreek. Karl kooks it in his own kreative way. Kan you resist? Karls’ kalls to you!

It's becoming difficult to drive down the road and not be assaulted by the gross misspelling on shops, resturants and other retail establishments. I was headed south on the highway when I passed the "Kar King" and had to wonder what they were thinking. Would it be so horrible to just be the "Car King?" Would they not be able to live with themselves knowing they passed up such a catchy misspelling. I'm also curious if they don't feel just a little less intelligent every day they walk through that door.

It was about that time that Karls ad popped into my head. I though it was funny so I wrote it down the first chance I got. It occurs to me people will perceive Karls ad to be ridiculous and the Kar King as a normal occurrence. Is it any wonder that society cannot spell? They haven’t got a chance. They are assaulted as they walk down the street, with Krispy Kreme and others of it’s caliber. I just thought of another one… how about this one?

Kneds Knives aknd Kutlery! Knobody turkned dowkn at Kneds! Will sharpekn all your knives aknd kutlery. We offer the fiknest selectiokn this side of the couknty likne. Kneds knives aknd kutlery…where all of our bargikns are a steel!

We can all agree that Kneds' ad is absurd but it seems to be the natural progression of this phenomenon. I suppose only time will tell.

I leave you this morning with one last advertisement from the realm of the ridiculous. Enjoy!

Phranks Phone Phriends! Need to be phreed phrom the anxiety oph the day? Call Phranks phone phriends and relax. Talk about the phreeways, your pherns or the neighbor’s philthy habits. Every day is Phriday! Call and pheel phine aphter a phew minutes! At Phranks phone phriends we are here to hear.

As always feel free to share your own...


  1. The teacher in me agrees with you - between ads that can't spell things correctly and the lastest "chat" craze where everything is shortened and spelled wrong - our kids will never see a need to spell things correctly. Yikes!! But your add at the end was funny!

  2. Sj-

    Thanks they were fun to do.

    I'm a horrific speller and it bothers me because I want to be better at it. Sometimes I'll stare at the signs and not be positive which ones are wrong. :)

  3. huked on pohonics wurked fur mey!!

  4. Would it taste worse if they called it Crazy Crab?

    To be honest this isn't a real pet peeve of mine. I just though it might make a cool post. I'd continue to purchase donuts from the Krispy Kreme, if some nut case hadn't burned ours to the ground.

  5. I'm with you, Kludge. It's a stupid advertising tactic. They hope that the mispelling of the word will catch the eye since a letter is obviously out of place and in the long run, make you remember their name. I get just as peeved at places like "A1 Pawn Shop", or "AAA Auto Care". What good is that? When have you ever seen a "B2 Pawn Shop" or a BBB Auto Care"? Do they really believe their town will get so huge that eventually their will be a "Z9 Pawn Shop" somewhere? Does the A1 help us remember who was here first?

  6. Joshua-

    I can honestly say I've never thought of that. How many "a's" do you need?

    I'd shop at Z9 Pawn Shop...Is that French?

  7. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Are you tired of those "Dear Dr. Z" commercials? I sure am!!!

  8. I haven't seen these but just googled it. If I've said once I've said it a thousand times "Hire an actor" Real people have no business on T.V.

    Additionally it's very hard to fire the top man from doing the commercials!

  9. What happened to the doughman's blog. I am very upset

  10. Guilt happened... apologizes

  11. This brings me back to our camping experience. At KOA's everything is spelled with "K"...Kamping, Kamping Kabins. one thing they forgot was Kamping with Komputers.

  12. Brian-

    That is hysterical! I love my Komputer!

    I'm have a flashback...

    When I worked at McDonalds as a lad, everything was MC. We (scouts honor) had a McMop, and a McCleaner package. I'm not sure the point. I didn't think it was McNeat-O or anything.
