
There's a new baby at the Brown house. She small, cute has more hair then her Grandfather, and is a super factory for taking perfectly good smelling food and making a mess of it. There's just one thing... we can't get a good photograph of her. I'm not sure why, but she's not photogenic at all. I'm sharing this picture because Patricia said how much she looked like Buddy Hackett. I laughed at first, but when I did the side by side I wept. sigh... oh well add another insecure youth to the population. I was thinking of blowing this up to poster size and putting it up in the nursery. I wonder if Child Protective Services would stop by?


  1. LOL!! That picture is hilarious!!

  2. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I am not really a good reader and now I have like 3 blogs I have to check... THANKS A LOT CRUEL WORLD.

    Peter, love the blog!

  3. Mr. Wendell-
    If that is your real name... think of this as a "get to" spot, not a "have to." It's like a Blog Spa without the mud, and you can keep your clothes on.

    I'm not sure if I'm right or not, but do you know anyone with 6 boys?

  4. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I'll put my clothes back on then...

    Not that many kids sorry... I'll give you a hint: Think Mr. Wendell the song, not Mr. Wendell the relief pitcher named Turk.

  5. Brad, I don't understand a word of what you said. Mostly you lost me at relief pitcher (sounds technical) "Thank you so much for comming Please wipe your feet on the mat."
