
I thought I'd just get started. I expect to have lots of posts about the inconsequential, some will be cool, some will fail. That's the point of communication. It might also be the reason that males use more sounds effects that females. It helps us get our point across, entertains the crowd, brings in the younlings, and wins us the respect of our piers. Who isn't impressed by a good explosion or a nice motorcycle rev?

I've found that folks feel like they are pressured by the first post. Do I admit my novice? Do I posture about my blog knowledge? I have things that occur to me all the time either, political/stupid/techy and I expect to post frequent, brief, and loaded with grammatical errors. Be sure to comment, or I can't respond. If you know me at all, you know I have to have the last word...



  1. Last word THIS!

  2. Andy;

    I find myself clicking on "Send/Recv" in OE lookig for new comments. I've demolished half a dozen fingernails, and it when I get a post it says..."Last word THIS!"

    That doesn't even make sense! Are you swollen up again from a new romp in the ivy? Did you mistype something? Am I hoping for too much? will I only be let down again? sigh... and I'm all out of napkins!

  3. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I will comment but only on your stupidity. I would like to remain anonymous.

    Wrestling Buddy

  4. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Um what a silly little blog my friend. It was rather amusing...I guess. So, you want the last word, eh? Well I'm not going to let you have it!

  5. To my Wrestling Buddy -

    Thanks for the heartfelt shout out. It's both appreciated and abhorred. I would also like to retain your anonymity so I will only say, I know who you are – and your initials are Michael Tonks.

    BTW if our wives hadn’t interfered, I would have done the victory dance on your taunting face.

  6. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Enjoyed the blog!! - "the beautiful & understanding one"
