Will Work For Posts

I need to post to get the last post off the top but I haven't got much to talk about. This blog has never been a journal, and I don't intend it to become that. This has alway been a place for me to share my most ridiculous ideas and a place for me to try and be creative.

So posting that I'm not eating much, working hard or engaged in politics just doesn't cut it.

I haven't had any new ideas either. So here we are again for like the gazillionth time where I petition for your ideas.

Here's the plan: You post a simple idea and I pledge to make 300 words from it. If I fail you win, if I succeed you have something to read. Deal?

Let er rip...


  1. I really liked your coffee post. The one where the cup never emptied :)

  2. why is it that a kid can have 6 pounds of food caked around his mouth, and he's okay with that - but if his hands are in any way remotely dirty, everything has to stop and we have to "wash up"?

  3. Why don't you tell us what happens to people when they die? Do their spirits stay with us? Or are they in some other dimension where they don't have anything to do with us? Or do we just turn to dirt? What do you think?

  4. you could train to be a firefighter! "Kludge on Fire"!

  5. what are your thoughts on slam poetry? have you ever been in/seen a performance?

  6. Just got back from vacation.

    Thanks ALL!

    I can work with this...

  7. Why is it that commuters all have ADD. I see the same commuters every morning with their gps on. Did they forget how to get to work after going to sleep the night before?

  8. I'm still working on these. Expect to see more of your ideas as post soon!
