Sandy Wednesday Giveaway

It's time for another pen Giveaway! Click here for past giveaway results.

Here is the item in question. A mesquite hardwood pen. This is a cross style pen finished with a mirror shine.

Now for the game...

I drew this picture in the sand a few days back while at the beach. My youngest daughter laughed openly at my artistry and assured me it looked nothing like what I had planned. All you have to do, is post a comment below of what you see. Or if that's too much pressure, just tell me what your last meal consisted of. Whatever (Even wives of employees can enter...)

Like Kludge Spot on Facebook and you get a second entry in the drawing. (With a qualifying comment below)

The Game Rules:

  • 1. No vulgarity. I reserve the right to delete any comment. This will remove you from the contest.

  • 2. Wining. I will randomly draw the wining name from a hat on Sunday September 25th of all caption entries. The winner will be contacted Sunday evening via email, and announced Monday September 26th.

  • 3. United States for free shipping. If you live elsewhere and don't mind pitching in the extra cost for international shipping {about $8 I think} I'll totally ship it to you)

  • 4. Contact. I need a way to let you know you've won the prize. And I'll need your shipping address to send it to you. So sign up with blogger, or OpenID, or something that I can contact you with. Otherwise I'll move on to another contestant.

  • 5. Have Fun!

    1. I see a monkey dancing - sort of the Michael Jackson Thriller dance - and from that we can determine I had something odd to eat - lol - my last meal - BBQ Chicken and Corn.

    2. WOW!

      I wish I had been trying to draw that... er, I mean, Exactly what I intended!

    3. Well, it is definitely a monkey. In the detailed style of the first comment, I would like to note that he or she is clearly looking down at something. Perhaps it sees that rock and is thinking about how he can use it to make a fire and thereby advance civilization as we know it.

      Or maybe it's just looking down...

    4. I think it's a bald man with big ears, holding a piece of licorice. He looks happy. Nice artwork. :)

    5. As of right now you all have a 33% chance of winning!

    6. THERE'S Waldo!! Been lookin' everywhere for him!

    7. I kinda see the abominable snowman fron the old Rudolph christmas shows...

    8. it most definitely is that little baby from some cartoon... looks like he's lost his pacifier though.

    9. Funny! I can totally see EVERYTHING you guys see...

      I suppose it just proves Hannah right! :)
