Lazy Thursday Blues: Caption 30

I used to do these every Thursday. Anyone still here who remembers them? Here are a couple to get you started...

It is strong like the bond between man and lobster...

I don't know how it started but it end with the phrase, "Hold my beer and check this out..."


Garfield Minus Garfield A bit strange and almost completely useless.

Savage Chickens. Do yourself a favor and check it out...


  1. Lake Picture:

    On News: " of yet, the only known naturally occurring toilet in existence..."


    Beaver: "There goes the neighborhood."


    The Doc must have seen himself in the future. The encounter created a time paradox, the results of which are causing a chain reaction that will unravel the very fabric of the space time continuum, and destroy the entire universe!

  2. Nice! You of course are in good practice for captions!

  3. Of course. We're experts at these things.

    Another one on the second picture:

    You afraid to get wet? (Davy Jones)
