Birthday Giveaway!

Today is my 34th Birthday and I'm celebrating like a Hobbit. You get the gift!! That's right I'm giving away another pen. This one is awesome!! ONLY 2 Days Left!!

It is made from juniper bush. Recall this post? Juniper Roots

All you have to do, is post a comment below. Tell me you want the pen, what color your hair is or why you think my feet smell like rotten cheese. Whatever. No restrictions. (Even wives of empolyess can enter...)

Like Kludge Spot on Facebook and you get a second entry in the drawing. I'll also be giving away an item from my cafepress store for the runner up!

The Game Rules:

  • 1. No vulgarity. I reserve the right to delete any comment. This will remove you from the contest.

  • 2. Wining. I will randomly draw the wining name from a hat on Sunday August 14th of all caption entries. The winner will be contacted Sunday evening via email, and announced Monday August 15th

  • 3. United States for free shipping. If you live elsewhere and don't mind pitching in the extra cost for international shipping {about $8 I think} I'll totally ship it to you)

  • 4. Contact. I need a way to let you know you've won the prize. And I'll need your shipping address to send it to you. So sign up with blogger, or OpenID, or something that I can contact you with. Otherwise I'll move on to another contestant.

  • 5. Have Fun!

    1. I'd like the pen... Bilbo.

      And I have no hair... I miss it.

      Word Verification: destr - what was left of the Death Star after Episode IV.

    2. Pen me! I have blond hair. Your feet emit the sweet aroma of a well aged Limburger that's been sitting in the sweltering Egyptian sun for three weeks.

    3.'re letting me enter!! And I don't have to be clever, even better!!

      Oh...Happy Birthday!

    4. My hair is the perfect color for my complexion - my eyes are sparkling blue - I have 6 fingers on my right hand.

      And I like you on facebook. And off facebook, too.

      pick me pick me

    5. Well - I love the pen and I just like to WIN period!

      My hair - highlighted to hide gray - - -

      Your feet - - - not sure exactly why unless it is the chemical reaction that occurs from having your foot on the gas peddle too much driving to Original Buffalo Wings?!?!?!??????????

      Happy Birthday!

    6. Oh, crap - I forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday!

    7. My precious pen! Haha.

      It truthfully amazes me that I can take a shower, and five minutes later my feet stink. It's just inexplicable.

      viperman_2000 at hotmail dot com

    8. Happy Birthday Mr. Baggins! I love mathoms, especially pens.

      Lovely pens, precious pens...

      Always writing,
      feet never stinking,
      made from juniper,
      my's shrinking

    9. The names have been drawn (by Patrica) contacting the winners...
