KludgeSpot Giveaway

I'm bored. I feel like giving stuff away. Anyone game?

Awesome! As you might know I make pens and things and post them on my WoodMangler site. So I'm going to give away one of my pens.

In addition I have some money in my Cafepress account. So I'll give away a second prize. A magnet or pin from any of my Cafepress shops.

So how will it work? Simple enough. I would like a caption submitted for one of the below photos. Or just say hello!

Here's one to get you started:
1: "I'm looking for a guy with a bucket of Buffalo wings. Yeah the whole herd just got wind of what's been happening and we are pissed!"

The Game Rules:

  • 1. No vulgarity. I reserve the right to delete any comment. This will remove you from the contest.

  • 2. Wining. I will randomly draw the wining name from a hat on Sunday June 19th of all caption entries. So simply commenting with a caption gets you in. witty, lame or anywhere in between The winner will be contacted Sunday evening via email, and announced Monday June 20th

  • 3. 48 contiguous United States Only (Sorry, it's a shipping thing)

  • 4. Contact. I need a way to let you know you've won the prize. And I'll need your shipping address to send it to you. So sign up with blogger, or OpenID, or something that I can contact you with. Otherwise I'll move on to another contestant.

  • 5. Have Fun!

    1. Seriously Bob, I told you you needed to take a shower!

      (since I don't even get your rejects anymore...)

      10:49 AM

    2. Captions:

      #1 - "Hey Marge - quick grab the camera there are people in this car and they are even eating tator tots from Sonic - haven't seen that in ages around here!"

      #2 - "I heard that if you pulled one out another one would replace it - - - I have to stop this habit!!!"

    3. 1. "Sir, please speak directly into the buffalo's mouth."

    4. 1a: "Peek-a-boo! I see you!"

      1b: "License and registration, please."

      2: "I'll do anything to win a blog giveaway!"

    5. Everyone-

      Thanks for stopping by. Awesome stuff so far.

      At the moment, everyones odds of winning are over 50% (sorry Patricia..wives of staff are disqualified!)

    6. If I point out that I have an almost unnatural obsession with office supplies, will I get an extra entry? How about if I remind you that you crushed me by insinuating that I have "no soul" in your comment for one of my movie reviews? Do I get an extra entry for that?

      Okay, I wasn't actually crushed. But I do adore office supplies, ESPECIALLY pens.

    7. okay, one more thing. I've always wanted a nice fountain pen. Do you make them?

    8. Pic #2: Can't any woman age gracefully anymore?

    9. Tina-

      Pulling the guilt trip! :) Nice. What movie review was that?

      I can make fountain pens, but they tend to get a little expensive so I don't keep any in inventory.

    10. Thought of another one:

      #1 - Sir would you like those mild, medium or hot? How about a side of blue cheese?

      #2 - I need a strawberry limeade NOW!!!!!!!!

    11. Pardon me, do you have any Gray Poupon?

    12. 1: "Hey, why are you guys screaming at the top of your lungs? And what's that smell?"

      If, by chance, you pick me, could you contact me on those Star Trek forums? You know, the ones where it seems like it's our job to do photo captions? Haha. (ViperMan2000)
