Holding for Abuse

I'm stilling in the Symantec Enterprise Support phone que. I've been on the phone for 26:34 at this point indicated by my phones digital readout. In between the mind numbing 50's music remixes (Bobby Vinton is belting out a painful verse of Blue Velet right now) and monotone announcements a perky voice pops on every 3 minutes and informs me:

"The customer waiting longest has been on the line for less than a minute."

This is in Symantec Time. Programed by the same people who make the progress bars. The same tech that will shortly pop on the line and say. "We can fix that in about 20 minutes or so."

This acually means that you are about to endure a three day agony of "top tier tech support" where they will mangle your data, destroy your settings and eventually conclude that a full reinstall will completely solve your issue.

"I just called to fix an issue with a pull down menu."
"Yeah and if we had known about that corrupted database this would have been much faster"
"You corrupted the database by canceling the integrity checker halfway through"
"Well it said it was going to be completed in less than a minute..."

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