The Three Hour Meeting

"Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful pitch,
That started about lunchtime and caused my eyes to twitch.

The lead was a smarmy sellin' man, Who'd never take a breath
Of the five that sat down in there, only two of us are left. Only two of us are left

The powerpoint show was out of hand, at one hundred ten slides plus
If not for the bastion of my Blackberry, my mi-nd would be mush. My mi-nd would be mush.

The meet-ing ended thankfully an hour over-due, with shaking hands, and "thank you" lies. The projector dead and laptop drained. And ne-ver again, will we go back to....a meeting with Microsoft's rep."


  1. The ending stanza is a bit of a stretch. In my defense, I was still recovering from the "blow you socks off" meeting.

  2. 3-hour-meetings go by quicker if you have a gorgeous redhead on deck.

  3. Was this song created during the meeting, or after in a meeting daze?

  4. Jason-
    Got a spare?

    After. I was too busy crying in the meeting. :)
