
Soo... Where to begin. Oh! I know. I'm furious!! Yeah, that's a good place to start.

I only get my hair cut every two to three months. I just don't like the hassle of going and getting the cut, dealing with all the itchy clothes and making small talk. Monday night I stopped by the local Great Clips to get a hair cut. It had been over three months and I was beginning to look silly. I've been going here for about five years now. There has been the occasional bad cut, but mostly it's been fine. I sit down, tell them what I want and I usually come out feeling better about myself. I then spend the next week or so wondering what took me so long to go.

This time, not so much. As my facebook update put it...

"Was just snatched bald by the woman at great clips. Plus I had to pay her for the insult. I'm so mad I'm shaking!"

It's a long a rather boring story so I'll skip the finer details. The long and the short of it is, I came in long and left exceeding short. I'm vain, and for me my hair is the one thing I feel good about. I don't dress in style or exactly have a trim figure. So for me my hair was my 'thing'. Now that I've been shaved like a boot camp enlistee, I'm a little off my game.

Which brings me to the point of the post. Hats. For the next few weeks I'll be wearing a lot of them. I thought I'd share some of my rather eclectic gathering of head wear.

The 30's style English Cap. I love this hat. I've worn it out in public many times. Usually to the wifes chagrin. She's a good sport but tends to shy from attention. This hat brings attention...

Speaking of attention! I bought this beauty at the Mall of America while I was on a speech team meet. Us California dwellers were in high fashion that day. I doubt I've worn it since.

It's hard not to feel cool in a Fedora. Seriously. I used to dress up as a gangster every Halloween just for the excuse of wearing this hat.

Ah yes! My fathers Greek sailors cap. Add this to the "never allowed to wear with Patricia" list. She never says it, but you can see the fear in her eyes when I put this on.

Plus it is a wee bit big for me. My old man had a huge head!

Whenever I put this on I feel like I should dawn some slickers and go fishing on a huge boat. Luckily I never follow through on that absurd tendency.

Another of my fathers caps. It has his first inital and last name in it, so I presume it's Navy issue. He was stationed in the Philippines in the mid 60's. Had some strange stories of bitter beer and poorly translated American songs...

I suppose this is a pretty normal hat to wear. Your average baseball cap. I bought it at the first Giants game I attended in AT&T Park.

Trouble is it looks brand new, because I never wear it! And with the Giants going to series I'd feel like a fair weather fan. So I just too embarrassed to go out in it.

So this is my hat of choice. A tech hat from a long dead optics manufacturing company in Boston. Quantum Bridge. Of course that's not what it looks like at first glance.

"Hey, do you work at Quiznos?!"
"No.. This company made campus based switching architecture in the early 00's-"
"-I like their grilled sandwiches!"
"Yeah. Me too."

So that's me for the next few weeks. If you see me, don't ask. I'm not going to show you my hair! :)


  1. I love fedoras.

    (Well, actually, I love suits, all together, for some reason. If I had enough spare money, I would fill my wardrobe with suits for every occasion. Kinda like the way James Bond (Daniel Craig) dresses through-out Casino Royale. Or Justin Hammer in Iron Man 2.... Anyway...)

    The problem I keep having is that I keep buying really cheap fedoras. Like the $10 type at Walmart. And it costs like $100 to get a good fedora...

  2. That's cool! I went through a similar stage in college.

    That's when I bought this. $85 at Macy's. My first charge card purchase. I felt like an adult until the bill came... :)

  3. That's a bummer, man. I actually hate going to get my hair cut because I can rarely translate the image in my head into words the stylist can understand. They usually give me a vague, "uh-huh," while furrowing their brows, and then I leave there with something completely different than I wanted and end up "fixing" it myself because it feels (and usually is) lopsided. (I paid $30 for that?)

    Stylin' bunch of caps, though. I can't believe Tricia doesn't like the first one; it's classic! While I'm actually quite pleased with my latest self-cut, I'm particularly stoked that I've cut off enough hair to finally be able to wear this little military cap I've had forever and never actually worn in public.

  4. Now I want a new hat. So this one will probably go on my next check. Haha.


  5. Jackie--

    Hey! Like the new cut. I looks good (Patricia agrees and add's, "it's cute")

    I concur. It's a crap shoot. Never know what you're going to get!

  6. VM-

    Wow! That makes a statement!

    Enjoy, it's more hat than I could pull off.

    10:58 AM
