
My latest diversion...

Stranded on an island by a torrential storm, you're an outsider in a world ripped apart by powers not of this world. Yeah, the typical RPG setup. Lone stranger here to save the world, nothing new there. Whatever the recipe it's still fun to play a new game. It's been a while and this one is a fun distraction. I know it's good when I dream about it.

"Sleep well?"

"Gnomes stole my bastard sword."

"If I had been given a million years, I would have never guessed those would be your first words to me this morning."

"In 11.5 hours I can play my game again"

"Looks like another full blown addiction..."

In the game you can either join up with the likes of the criminal underworld of the Don, or choose to throw in with the tyrannical leadership of the Inquisition. Not much of a choice for someone who always plays Lawful Good in RPG's

I'm currently on a path that is supportive of the tyrants. The game has a fairly hazy morality to it and it's hard to know which way to go. I figure I'll side with the law for now. We'll see about how my allegiances hold throughout the game. Either way, if you like killing boars, collecting priceless artefacts, forging swords, mining iron ore and abusing your absurd amounts of power then Risen is worth the money.

Here's the trailer, enjoy.


  1. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Curse you, my RPG addiction was in remission.

    Reading your description has opened all the old wounds... again I say, curse you.


  2. Anon-

    Another closet gamer addict eh? Yeah, welcome to the group! :)

  3. "Gnomes stole my bastard sword."

    Is there a smiley for laughing hysterically???


  4. VM-

    Nice, Speaking of the Don... are you working for organized crime now? Great avatar.
