Influence Me!

Gentle Reader;

Now that man week has concluded. I'm sure that there are unhappy folks. Oh well. It was a hoot!

So now I'm looking for some ideas. If there is something you've been longing to see here, save sanity, now is your chance. Let me know. Request a 20 things, ask a question for a geek perspective or simply insult me. Whatever. I'm not promising to post your ideas, but who knows what your comment might spark!

Thanks for the help.

Editor and Chief


  1. 20 Things you do in the bathroom
    20 Things you shouldn't eat
    20 Things that don't go well with ketchup
    20 Things that are better left alone
    20 Things to do with a pencil and duct-tape
    20 Ways to party in 1989

  2. Would not 20 things to do with duct tape suffice, without the pencil? Granted, if you start listing all the things you can do with it, it'll be a looooooong list. But a top 20 or 20 most interesting things you might not have thought of?

    Hmm. 20 ways to not call someone an idiot to their face when they ask a stupid question? 20 ways of coping with stupid questions? Both of those might come in handy at work...

  3. ViperMan... Awesome!

    I think

    20 Things that are better left alone
    20 Things to do with a pencil and duct-tape

    are my favorites! Thanks!

  4. Tony-

    I think you're right, the pencil helps to give it scope. My mind has been working on this one without my express permission. Well see if it goes anywhere.

    Maybe something like, "20 Ways To Defend Yourself From The Stupid?"

    I think that has potential too!


  5. 20 Things you should do in France
    20 People you don't want to p*ss off
    20 Foods you want to watch out for at a Chinese restaurant
    20 Different ways to eat an Oreo
    20 Ways to protect yourself
    20 Unintentionally perverted song lyrics
    20 Aspects of a twisted mind
    20 Things to do with your blog
    20 Ways not to cook chicken
    20 Terrible ideas for a 20 list

    Haha, don't ask. I'm just typing random stuff to see if it gets you anywhere with ideas.

  6. Here are some random phrases. Maybe see if you get inspired by any of them:

    A good old fashioned book burning
    Big city, little town
    Baby Elvis
    Evil Laptops
    Aliens from innerspace
    Invasion of the hotdogs
    Genetic mutation
    People with mustaches
    Different types of hot dogs

  7. I'd love to read a blog about relationships. You know, starting out, first dates, then on to leaving the toilet seat up, etc.

  8. Sweet Freaking Mercy!

    Okay, VM2000 looks like I need to get busy!

  9. VM2000-

    Oddly enough, a good portion of your random phrases, remind me of Fallout 3...

  10. How about geek week?
