More Death Less Caffeine

What the hell? First my sendmail box is axed and now my coffee maker kicks the bucket. I mean sure we can manage with a windows box taking over for smtp functions. We've all adjusted to meaningless event log entries, stupid glurge icons and pointless clicking through Microsoft menus, but my coffee pot! How much can one man endure!

My wife wakes me up the other morning.

"Hon, the coffee pot won't turn on."
"Sigh. Okay, that wasn't funny!"
"Well it wasn't working but now it- no. wait."
"No. It's off again."
"Peter? Are you sobbing over a coffee maker?"

In many ways that coffee maker has shown me more love than most things in my life. It was always there for me. Always cheerful and completely dedicated. No whining, complaining or fiddling. You add some water, grounds and flip a switch. Minutes later, you get coffee. Hello, here's for a little constancy in the life of a working man!

"It's 8:00 in the morning. I need coffee."
"It's 2:30 in the afternoon. I need coffee."
"It's 1:15 in the morning. I need coffee."
"I love you."
"Peter are you hugging the coffee pot?"
"What?! Oh- Hey hon."
"When was the last time you showed me that much appreciation?"
"Maybe if you had a 12 cup carafe, charcoal filter and delayed brew feature..."

Anyway, for the last 7 years or so my coffee maker has been dedicated to my happiness. So I though a memorial was in order.

"Where's the coffee maker?"
"I threw it out. It was broken"
"Oh. I was going to say a few words."
"Give me a break Peter..."

So three days without coffee is enough morning for anyone. Today is replacement day. Here's to another 7 seven years of coffee maker indentured servitude!

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