Super Mutant Soup

Oh no... The beast has returned. I haven't dived into a video game coma for what I believe is over a year. I've been away. I've been in the garage playing with my power tools. Creating objects to make my house a bit more functional or my pocketbook a bit less scrawny. Regardless I've been creating blister, calluses and gathering skills and tools to my ever expanding domain. Something changed. I was sick yesterday. I actually had an injury which prevented me from walking normal. It was both bizarre and nearly impossible to rely here. Regardless, I'm fine now. As a consequence though, I stayed home from work rather than go there in the buff. I'm sure my co-workers are pleased that I made this choice.

So. I'm not ill, but still unable to go to work. So I sat in my office and fired up an old game. Fallout 3. I'm back. Sweet Mercy. I forgot. Computer, I love you. I'm sorry I was absent for so long. I spent over 11 hours of sick day game play.

So I fired up the game, and started to recall this game I completed over a year ago. I roamed the District of Columbia wasteland in the year 2277. Apparently the USA and China went to war in 2077 and blew the world to absolute oblivion. Like rats and cockroaches, the human race survived. You and your family were lucky enough to survive in an underground bomb shelter for the last 200 years. Well, now you have emerged. And the wasteland will never be the same.

I'm a little do-gooder on a mission to find my lost daddy. Seems simple enough. Well... in order to find him I have to complete a couple hundred quest. Each quests allows me to be good or bad. So there I am, in scavenged armour and 30lb sledge hammer ridding the former US capital of horribly mutated irradiated men, crazed post-apocalyptic nuclear winter type animals and authoritarian robots. I spend my day, drinking radioactive colas, trading scrap metal with dirty traders, hacking computer terminals, picking locks, disarming mines and searching the rumble for useless items for others. Items like, sensor modules, power armour, satellite dishes and the Declaration of Independence. It's a real hoot.

There goes another 40 hours of my life.

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