20 Things I've Learned From Thanksgiving

  • Turkey size? Go big.

  • A healthy Thanksgiving diner is a creation of the devil.

  • The table space is precious. Don't waste it on foul food.

  • Stuffing. It's not just a suggestion.

  • If it weren't for family, Thanksgiving would be perfect.

  • You only get one vacation day for Christmas, but two for Thanksgiving.

  • Why? Because your pants don't fit and the management wouldn't approve 'Naked Friday.'

  • After the meal, moving is optional

  • Any one stupid enough to get up at 5:00AM the next day, can have the deals. I'm sleeping till noon.

  • Black Friday is also named for the death of millions of bathroom scales.

  • Personal trainers hate Thanksgiving

  • Football cannot be avoided. It's football or dishes, so football it is.

  • Pumpkin pie is horrible. We only eat it once a year so our mouths can forget what it taste likes.

  • Deep fried turkey? It should be a national sporting event!

  • Green bean casserole. See #3

  • Gravy goes with everything.

  • Meat, starch, carbs, starch, gravy, starch. Repeat

  • I see turkey and mash potato sandwiches in your future.

  • When in doubt, add cranberry sauce.

  • Gluttony = Thankfulness

  • Have a Happy Thanksgiving!! From KludgeSpot


    1. I'll see to it personally that you get a double helping of green bean casserole this year!!!

    2. HA!

      Good luck with that. If I must...then pass the gravy. :)

    3. -watching your, unfortunately, favorite team (Lions) get crushed on national TV, which is expected

    4. I haven't had time lately to read your stuff. But I sure have missed it! I only disagree with one point. Green bean casserole is good. I say skip the steamed broccoli. Also, pecan pie is a must have.

      say hi to the ladies for me.
