When Chocolate Comes Calling

When chocolate comes calling, I find that I'm almost always home. It's not at all like Brussels Sprouts or even waffles, which I find I can say no to most of the time. Chocolate is something quite different, like the lucky street salesman, who happens to have the product that everyone actually wants.

"Knock Knock"


"Yes, I'm selling..."

"I'll take it all!"

"I haven't even told you what I'm selling yet."

"I smell it! Give Me The Chocolate!"

Point? None really, just a revelation. Take it or leave it.


  1. http://news.aol.com/article/man-dies-in-chocolate/562626

    This link says it all. I'm temporarily boycotting chocolate.

  2. Wow. That's horrible.

    People die in the strangest ways....
