The Awesome Box & Expensive Socks

I own an awesome box. The outside has an awesome picture and exciting specs. Inside this awesome pictured box lives an awesome card. On this awesome card inside this awesome pictured box is joy. That joy is contained in 9600GT card with 2GB of onboard RAM and screaming fast GPU. All of this is sitting on my desk, gathering dust, loaded with potential and covered with large gaming tears.

I have made a mistake. That brings my total up to 4,099,234. After a while keeping track is sort of depressing. I found this processor and decided at this price I couldn't pass it up. With free shipping, instant savings and coupon code, I got a $150 card for $99. When it arrived I popped the case, slipped euphoria into the correct slot and felt the resounding click of PCIe engagement and freedom from anti-aliasing restrictions! Life was good. This feeling lasted all of about 2.2 seconds. The exact time that I realized I was short on power. In order to use my new card I would have to buy a $70 power supply.

Who thinks about upgrading a power supply? It's so incredibly boring! It's like... buying expensive socks. No one will ever see them. They work the exact same as economy priced socks but your new shoes require them. Seems your old socks thread count is simply too low. Sorry about that. No shoes till you spend down on a expensive pair of boring socks.

So now what? Now I've got to shell out $70 to get my card working. Which means I got a $150 card for $170 + tax. Doesn't seem quite so stellar anymore. That's all I can think of to say. Pretty box, useless card and boring socks. The stuff geek soap operas are made of.


  1. If your socks are boring, they just aren't high-tech enough. ;) Well, that, or you don't spend as much time wearing combat boots as I do... :p

  2. I did the same thing about two yrs ago .. though it wasnt as boring .. 'cause I got to get an awesome PSU -- my first with nicer cables/connectors.

    Now the real question is what do to with that old PSU .. cant bring myself to trash it because it is in perfect working condition.. so it sits in a box in my closet ... will probably end up being a mystical family heirloom when its rediscovered after i die of old age..

  3. Josh-

    "I got to get an awesome PSU" You just gained +5 Geekiness.

    I do agree, I love the new PSU, more power, more connectors, longer cables and half as loud. Truth be told I got it on sale, but still...

    I'd rather have saved $45. As to the heirloom....
    ...I'm sure the grand kids will fight over it. :)

  4. The other thing you need to do to up your geekiness is to get rid of your external hard drive ..they're so early 00's .. you can get them at K-mart now .. replace it with a synology disk station.. for an extra half-inch in width you get a cpu, ram, and a mini linux server ;-)
