20 Signs You're A Star Wars Addict

  • You can spend the day in hours of conversation with nothing except lines from "A New Hope".

  • You've accually tried this.

  • Your life sized Boba Fett cutout will always have a place of honor in your bedroom.

  • Regardless of your wife's protests. All your dinner ware is George Lucas approved Star Wars merchandise.

  • You try to use the force on a daily basis. "Is it flowing through me yet?"

  • Any day, you expect the remote to move while you're sitting on the sofa.

  • You own a lightsaber...and a backup one just in case. You've been thinking about getting a tertiary one. You can never be too safe.

  • Even though you're 31 years old, you still have Star Wars themed birthday parties.

  • Your dogs name is Sebulba.

  • You have a set of Star Wars PJ's and a Han Solo blanket

  • When "The Phantom Menace" came out, you dawned your Star Wars PJ's, took your Han Solo blanket and slept all night in the ticket line.

  • The next day you wept till sundown.

  • Even though you hated them, you still own all the Star Wars prequel films.

  • You KNOW *Han Shot First!*

  • You've defended Hans ridiculous "Kessle run" claim to more than one person. And you accually convinced them!

  • Your jeans have Corellian Bloodstripes sewn onto the legs.

  • You can beep and whistle like R2D2.

  • You own this poster.

  • You wrote this blog post.

  • You need help... Please get some.

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Am I your muse now?

      I won't reveal how many of these apply directly to me. That'll be our little secret, right? RIGHT?!

    2. Ando-
      It's okay... All your friends know, and strangers don't care. Besides, I though you might like the links!

      If it really irks you though (which I doubt) you could retaliate with a Star Trek flame post!

    3. I think it's time for an intervention.


    4. I've always had this vague suspicion that when God is finished making the new heavens and the new earth, somewhere out there in a galaxy far far away there will be a planet of ewoks waiting to be discovered and that we will have the technology to go see them on vacation.

    5. Boston Love-

      No Doubt.

    6. Jason Michael Parrish-

      That would be awesome!

    7. Anonymous8:22 AM

      I would glady oblige with a Star Trek flaming, but I don't know enough about it to do it right. Which I guess is the truest evidence yet that I am not a full-fledged geek.

    8. Ando-

      Well then, I might just have to flame myself...

      ...Seems kinda sick really...
