So Much To So Few

I do love blogging. Somedays it's hard to think of anything of substance to put type out, a day like today. I still feel like typing though. So... Lets talk about crystals. No... Yetis. Yes! Let talk about Yetis.

Sam was a yeti, the trouble was he didn't like te taste of villagers. The villagers didn't seem to mind this too much, oddly enough, though the rest of the yetis did mind.

"Sam, what is that!?"

"An acorn. They're really quite tasty."

"You're suppose to eat people! What's wrong with you!?"

"I don't know... it just doesn't feel right. You know eating food that screams and cries. Sort of makes you feel bad. 'please no' 'don't eat me!'. It just sort off puts me off my appetite."

"You're a monster!! It's suppose to enrage you! Make you mad. Don't you just want to deep fry those puny little things an dip them in Yeti dipping sauce."

"I don't really like yeti dipping sauce."

Well this was the final straw. Sam was banished. Where is a Banished Vegetarian Yeti to go? Where else besides Las Vegas!?

So it was. Sam appears nightly on the strip. And no one had to consume any Yeti Dipping Sauce. (Which I think is just French Dressing... but don't tell anyone. You'll ruin it for the kids.)

Which leads me to my next point....


  1. Anonymous11:55 AM


  2. Anonymous1:56 PM

    as always love to read your sick and twisted blogs...

  3. Anonymous2:00 PM

    We're not "so few", we're a whole crowd!

    There's me, there's lifeofando, there's Missy...

  4. Great post. Oh, so true.

    If you haven't seen the blog cakewrecks then go check it out. It is so funny!!!

  5. I know a Sam. He's from Vermont and very hairy and very Portugese.

    I don't think he's a Yeti though. He just bought an Audi and Virginia law forbids Abominable people from driving. . .even if they're from New Jersey.

  6. Alright.

    I'm tan,
    I'm rested,
    I ready...

    Lets get back to business!!
