We're Back

The Internet has returned to the Brown house after a staggering six year drought. After literally years of us telling anyone who would listen, "We don't miss it", "It's no big deal", "We're happy without it", somehow, it's back. In 2002 I was laid off from a wireless ISP. At that time I had enjoyed working for ISP's for about 4 years or so. One major perk of working for the Internet provider was free access. I would guess it's like working at the M&M factory and getting to take home rejects!

As of 2002, I hadn't payed for Internet access since I bought my dial-up connection in 1996. In fact in I had a free 3Mb wireless link on my roof. At that time, this was unreal bandwidth. We had an office with 3 PC and both Patricia and I had laptops and a wireless LAN. What this meant was that ANYWHERE in our 2 story house Internet was accessible. Kitchen, living room, restroom, whatever. We were dripping in world wide webs.

When I was laid off, I was told I could keep the connection till the company asked for it back. Like a cheap severance package. I was so mad I darted up to the roof and ripped it off it's fancy chimney mount, and hauled it back to my old office, and we had been without broadband ever since.

We were genuinely happy without access for a long time. I would say it wasn't till I started blogging that I started saying, "Well this is a bit inconvenient." Either typing posts up at home and hauling them to work on a flash drive, or writing posts on company time.

As our friends blogging, Facebook and other social networking habits exploded out of control, my wife felt a bit out of the loop. She was starting to feel like some kind of a freak for her lack of access.

"Do you have a blog?"


"Do you Twitter?"






"Wow. Really? Well... what's your email address?"

"I don't have one."

"Excuse me?! Are you a real person!?"

Between Patricia and I, she is definitely more excited to be back online than I am. Though I must say, I'm very glad to be able to check my email, update my video games and blog from home. Of course now we have to worry about viruses and spyware for the first time in years.

All in all, now that we are both hooked back up to the Matrix, we have to ask ourselves, "How did we go that long without it?" Between, Netflix instant play videos, online gaming, eBay and social networking, we've got a bit of catching up to do. Yeah, we're back.


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Your fortitude was impressive. Most impressive. I can't imagine going six hours without unfettered access to the interweb, much less six years.

  2. Wow, you went 6 years without internet? I'm impressed. I couldn't go a day without wanting to check my email. It is truly sad that I have to say that, but I can use the excuse that I have to do it for my business. :)

  3. Brrr... No Internet connection? I could not imagine living like that!

    (We have no TV reception and I haven't bothered with the home theaters radio antenna wire, and I feel I haven't missed anything. But anyone who tries to take away my full rate ADSL leaves feet first... :P )

    The Internet is about the only source for non-censored news. The Internet is a place where I can find all manner of products that local shops either do not have or sell for an obscene margin. The Internet is where I can find all sorts of information that I as a mere peon am not supposed to have - from self-defense to modding my Jeep (the importer seems to hate people who dare make changes to their own automobiles - not exactly what I'd call supportive to the owners of the vehicles they sell) to government abuses of power and screw-ups they make. It's amazing the kind of things that main stream media simply neglects to mention. (It is also amazing what kind of things they choose to pay attention to, too... >.< )

    I'm not on Facebook or similar social network sites either. Don't see much point to it. But blogs, real news from around the world (surprisingly often these two are one and the same...), entertainment of all sorts, information on anything I want to find out about... I can honestly say that I doubt I would be the person I would be today if I didn't have access to the information that I've read over the years on the Internet.

  4. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I am glad the old comment section is back, I tried to comment on the last two posts, but I was technically lacking, searched your site for a tech support line :)

    Anyway, my question that I wanted to post was "do you have internet?" I should have known because Erin told me she keeps up with Patricia on Facebook.

    I also wanted to tell you that I am so looking forward to Friday posts again....uh...where is it?

  5. I am so glad :):) I am excited to have Patricia on line :) Yea :):)

  6. Missy-

    Patricia is now a full fledged Facebook addict. You'll have to jump on and see the pictire I have been so remiss in posting.

    In regards to today's conversation post. I have one, but I spent some much enjoyed time in the shop today, so it hasn't been typed out.

    I can still make it...I have till 11:59.

  7. Missy-

    Patricia is now a full fledged Facebook addict. You'll have to jump on and see the pictures I have been so remiss in posting.

    In regards to today's conversation post. I have one, but I spent some much enjoyed time in the shop today, so it hasn't been typed out.

    I can still make it...I have till 11:59.

  8. Ando, Becca Sports & Tony-

    It didn't seems so long till I got it back. Now it feels like I just emerged from the Dark Ages.

    Boston Love-
    Glad to be back!
