Reincarnating Inanimate Objects

With a title like that, you just had to click and see.

"Okay Peter, what nonsense are you going to start driveling on about now?"

No, it's true. I'm reincarnating inanimate objects with the hope of monetary gain. I've reincarnated a rather unattractive wood pallet into, what I believe is a very cool table. How's that for a step up in caste? Sure beats coming back as a cow.

Patricia and I have been trying to figure out what to call this table creation. She thought it reminded her of a tiki stlye. I was going for green, or recycled. This might surprise some of you out there, until it occurs to you, that down deep I'm a capitalist. This means that I believe everyone's money spends the same. My goal is to try and get some of it and test that theory. So if it sells tables, I'll cave.

After a good deal of 'discussing' we compromised. Its a rustic/'green'/tiki bar/western/reincarnated pallet table. Well. I hope that helps to clear it up for you. It's definitely rustic. I didn't plane down the top to a smooth surface. That might be because I like the cool ridges and small bumps that let me know where the wood came from. Sort of it's soul. Or it might be that I don't own an electric thickness planer and after three hours with a hand rasp and sheet of sandpaper I passed out in a sweaty heap at the base of my workbench, thus declaring that stage, 'completed'. I'll let you decide which is true.

I have to say for my first table, and given the state of the raw materials, it is very well built. I came out square and level. It's a little wobbly at the edges, due to the fact I made the base a bit to small. But all in all, I tried to apply good techniques while building it. Patricia found me a really cool cabinetry book published back in the mid 60's. It has really given me a base for understanding furniture construction and classic methods. Its also cool to see men with Vitalis in their hair, wearing slacks and dress shirts assembling furniture.

Besides a small piece of plywood used to attach the tabletop to the center post, every bit of this table was recycled from a pallet. I took said pallet, and a couple others, from my office. After a number of weeks, a fistful of slivers, cuts, and a good deal of fun. This table appeared on my workbench. This table just oozes interesting. And it's an instant conversation piece.

I posted it up on craigslist this morning. So now the hope is that someone, somewhere will think to themselves:

"You know what I need? I sturdy, rustic table with an uneven surface, made from the remnants of a shipping pallet, to put all my really important stuff on. I wonder if I can find one of those?"

"Guess what? I might just know where you could find something like that!"


  1. Anonymous11:44 AM

    That is one cool table! I am off to search for it on craigslist! Good Luck!

  2. As catchy as "a rustic/'green'/tiki bar/western/reincarnated pallet table" is as a name, maybe if you market it as "green" furniture that does not deplete our natural resources, you might attract a whole new set of buyers for your capitalistic endeavor! :)

  3. That is very creative. I agree with Jenylu, you should throw "green" in the furniture. Everyone (and probably more so in CA) is into green products. How can you beat a "green" table?

  4. Nice work! I'm very impressed. I agree, I'd definitely work the recycled angle as a selling point. Ride the green wave into a sea of greenbacks.

  5. I can re-post this on CraigsList tomorrow. I think I will definitely re-work with the 'green' 'recycled' angle.

    Yea, Capitalism!

  6. You could call it a non-plane table.

    And say it's bio-degradable.
