Plastic Cutlery

I have nothing to say, but I'm here anyway
I have nothing to type, but the same old tripe
I have seen nothing new, but I'll do as I do
And pump out more lines and waste all my time
Doing this thing that I can't seem to shake!

Sometimes I just sit at my keyboard and wonder, "Why blog?" The only answer I have is, "Because Peter, if you don't, this stuff will stay in your head. While there it will begin to crowd out the more important stuff like, 'how to wear trousers' and 'that one should never poke policemen with cutlery'. This knowledge is important, and you don't want it pushed aside by the inconsequential garbage used to fill up blog posts."

Or there you are one day, walking around town with just your underpants jabbing away at some cop with a plastic knife and then what do you have? That's right, and fractured skull and grounds for a giant lawsuit. So...

...hmmm. Anyone know where I can get some plastic cutlery and a really cushy hat?


  1. You have to write, cause if you don't, you'll be like that woman on MSN's front page this morning who has total recall

  2. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I went looking for the woman with total recall, couldn't find it...

    We missed your blog last week, what's with working for a living? What's it like living in your head?

    Happy Wednesday!

  3. I found the link here.

  4. Anonymous11:44 AM

    found it thank you, I don't know if I could live with that!

  5. Target for both items. Cutlery on aisle 7, cushy hat on aisle 13.

  6. Well, I am glad when you let that stuff out of the confines of your mind and onto my computer screen because it always makes me laugh, or at least makes me shake my head.:)

  7. i get so much amusement from you.

    "don't poke policemen with cutlery" Very good advice, I should teach my children that.

  8. Jason-

    Mercy. What a life!

    "today we did was rainy"

  9. Ando-

    Thanks for the tip. I'm inclined to believe you might actually know this for real...

  10. Jenylu-

    I generate a lot of head shaking... and awkward silences and inquiries from men with white jackets...

  11. Littlerobin-

    sweet. Then I am fulfilling my mission!
