Doing Harm

This foe must be stopped!


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    On the news there was a piece about the energy drinks and how much caffeine they have. One has 150 mgs! Of course they then said that a grande Starbucks has 330 mgs! That's the one I want....

  2. Was that 150mg per 100ml or total?

    My problem is that I can not survive work without caffeine but I really don't like coffee. Hence, sugar-free energy drinks FTW! The stuff I normally drink contains a puny 32mg/100ml of caffeine but somehow, that ends up being enough to get me through the work shift, when consumed slowly. Well... Usually. I imagine I would be quite jumpy if I drank coffee.

  3. Umm... "That" being a half-liter bottle, not 0.1l of the stuff. Looks like the effects of the stuff I drank at work, plus the Dr Pepper I had after work, are starting to wear oZZZZZZzzzzZZZZZZzzzzZZZZ...

  4. Missy-

    I don't have any clue what mine is.

    Venti triple shot mocha. I imagine is a bunch.

  5. Tony-

    150mg per can. I think a spike shooter is still the tops where energy drinks are concerned @ 300 milligrams of caffeine per can!
