Washing Your Hands Of It

Look at the alternatives...


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Joe is the facilities manager and one weekend he asked me to come along to help him with a project, the room we entered looked suspiciously like this, plus lots of garbage! Whenever IT did any electrical work they left all their clippins, tie-ups, etc all over the floor. I bet you don't do that! It is an overwhelming room.

    Jason? More Sack Cloth?

  2. Anonymous6:51 AM

    One should proof read ones posts!

  3. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Oh I meant comments!

  4. Ha! This looks like our supply room. I always ask my co-worker to come and search for me if I'm not back in 5 minutes. :)

  5. I say we nuke the place from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

  6. Boston Love-

    They use to tie a rope around the Israeli priests leg when they entered the Holy of Holies.

    In case they had to haul them back in. Not a bad idea in some places...

  7. Tony-

    No Doubt! I'd push the button for this one.

  8. Anonymous2:20 PM

    One of my techs sent me a picture of a room that looked very much like this, except there was a router dangling from an ethernet cable above several large rat traps.
